Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Is this the revolution ? The beginning of ?? Unlikely !!!

But the violence on England's streets is alarming! Or is it simply something that has been waiting to be unleashed after years and years of condecension and platitudes from politicians and the 'I'm allright Jacks', who now have to face the fact that there has been such an undercurrent of resentment festering like an unburst boil,or appendix, or any of those other nasty things that exude ..... that it is now snarling and gnashing like the mad Pitbull set free? That now they might have to begin to stop their patronising, and actually improve the the perceived hopelessness that many of the rioters feel. Well it works both ways doesn't it?. You can't live in a maelstrom of 'you owe me my living', if those who are saying this, by throwing whatever they can find at the Police and looting and burning, have not made much, if any effort to achieve, to get out of the life that they find so disgusting. In my experience there has been a pride displayed in the attitude of 'we are what we are' and it is all your fault.
It seems clear that the IQ of at least some of the rioters is lower than the Pitbull that might have taken them for a walk,but they have no concept of working to achieve, and the owners are on the same level. Can I say "but seriously folks ?" It will not get any better until there is hope given to everyone. What do you think ?

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