Monday 28 November 2011

Health and Safety hahahahaaaaa.... serious end :(

Some time ago I bought a another taxi. I was not quite sure how much diesel was in the tank, but I drove home and parked it overnight. The following day I set off to the local petrol station to fill up. The petrol station is exactly half a mile away from where I live...but ....splutter... splutter..... the fuel ran out on the way. Fortunately I was on the top of the small hill and I rolled onto the forecourt with a silence that must surely have been admired. I filled up and case anyone is not au fait with clearing an airlock, which is what happens when a taxi runs out of diesel, I lifted the bonnet and proceeded to pump the diesel. This clears the airlock so that the engine will start. At this point I was approached by one of the employees of BP, who said that I could not do what I was doing because it was against HEALTH AND SAFETY. Against HEALTH AND SAFETY to start your engine on a BP forecourt!  So I asked him where do drivers start their engines here? Do they push their vehicles out onto the street before they start them?  I wanted to say more but I sincerely did not want to offend of course. I prefer to ridicule !This idiocy took place at the BP Station, Ewell Surrey.
You might think that I am going off at an illogical tangent but I think that this is an example of the state which England has reached. I am ashamed! My father, who was a regular soldier, mainly because of the depression and the threat of the Nazis during the 1930s, almost died in service of this country. By the 1970s he said England would have been better off under Hitler. The day to day erosion of freedom in this country particularly since 1979 is deplorable. Too much power has been given to those who work in our local authoriites. Supposedly they work for us, paid by us, but those who elevated them know that these people were never going to achieve, so they could be sure that they would revel in their authority, and bat out their time in subservience until retirement.
Where will the next OCCUPY movement begin ??

Saturday 19 November 2011

The Watershed

If you are like me in any way, there might be times when you do not go to bed before 9.00 pm. Or in international language 21.00 hrs. The Watershed, that is the time when adult viewing is acceptable begins at 21.00 in the UK. Other countries have different times, such as New Zealand which is 20.30.
So, quite often I sit until after midnight and I hear announcements on the television at the beginning of programmes that warn us...WARN US that the next film or sequel or one off drama contains STRONG LANGUAGE and/ or SCENES OF A SEXUAL NATURE and/ or NUDITY. Wouldn't you think that anyone who is watching television at this time would be aware that it is after 21.00 ? Why do they waste their time uttering patronising statements such as these ?  If anyone is still up watching this, then well...if they don't like it, hard luck ! If anyone complains they should be ignored. If anyone complains that their children saw these programmes after the Watershed, then it is the parents' responsibility to make sure that they are inaccessible to their children. We are adults and this nanny mollycoddling must stop !  Strangely I do not remember as many warnings about the depiction of violence. Maybe I am wrong? Or is violence more acceptable ?

Wednesday 16 November 2011

In the quiet hours

It is early morning here as I write. Without making too much of what I am about to say, this is a time I feel for reflection. Almost one year ago my mother died. She had been in hospital for six months. As with most of my posts there is always an edge of criticism at least, and I do not have any hesitation in naming those who deserve to be named, in my view. My mother ws 93 when she died. She lived for many years in Epsom, renting her flat from The Epsom and Ewell Housing Association. They are an excellent charity who look after all their residents very well.
However there are certain private care companies who attend to those such as my mother, who have reached the stage where much more needs to be done for them. One early evening I was sitting outside in my car when her carer went into her flat. I saw the bathroom light go on, then about thirty seconds later her 'carer' left. A very short visit I thought. I rang the Epsom Social Services about this cursory visit and in due course another company took over. This company was Absolute Care who took over early in Spring 2010. I specifically pointed out to them that it would be necessary to make sure that my mother ate her meal during their visit, because I knew she was very lax in that respect. One day in June 2010 when I visited her flat, my mother had suddenly disappeared.  She had been taken to hospital and no one had notified me.  My mother was dehydtrated and was suffering from malnutrition. So much for care then ! Without saying too much more the so called carers did nothing more than make their call and move on to the next, according to their schedule, not what was needed by the person in need.  I found their daily reports which stated such things as 'my mother had already eaten' when they called. It seems that these care companies do very little and are paid vast sums of money by the local authorities. These are the fruits of privatisation which go hand in hand with no accountability it seems.

Monday 14 November 2011

Post Riot Discontent

So...... the riots which took place in August in the UK in August now seem such a distant memory. We have been bombarded since then by the Eurozone crisis and the Occupy wherever movement. Many who took part have been gaoled and it is business as usual.  Those who suffered the looting, those who had their businesses burned and lost everything; those who lost their homes and almost their lives...well assured they have been seems let down by the insurance companies who have, not surprisingly been very slow to compensate these victims, if at all according to today's news. I say not surprisingly because despite this country's pride in its first world status, this status reflects the greedy capitalist attitude, ie the insurance company asks itself a basic question I think,  "How can we get out of paying" ? It seems with no social conscience whatsoever.  As I said, the status quo has been restored. But the Occupy movement is much more organised and intellectually driven. I just wonder when the financial establishment will wake up to the fact that they are derided to a great extent by a growing number of people; that these days might just be the beginning of the end of the old fat cat/ cow attitude. That to display wealth openly might just become the spark for more social unrest and riots, but this time with specific targets and led by a more determined organisation. Those who openly flaunted their wealth in Greece have been targeted. Not well reported but it has happened.  Of course to keep order there will be police on the streets in riot gear to prevent what could escalate into anarchy. Determined people though will not merely be on the streets but will operate in a much more subversive manner,potentially much more dangerous.  And how do you identify the criminality? By those who march and occupy the streets disrupting life in their fight against what they see as major social injustice ? Or by pointing the finger at those who have creamed off and wasted billions of $$$$ ££££ €€€€ and expect everyone else to pay? Moreover to maintain their system ad infinitum?

Thursday 10 November 2011

A Trivial Pursuit ?

Yes and it remains trivial. There is nothing profound about ths subject. Or is there ??  Regarding the continuance of British society and the icons thereof..... I have noticed, as you might have done during some years now, that mobile phones have become quite common. Yes I think that is true ! I hope you agree. Otherwise I think my views are really suspect. Yet there was considerable outcry many years ago concerning the demise of the Red Telephone Box in our country ! It was almost considered heretical that the new, plastic, impersonal, faceless, non- descript usurpers of telephonic communication on our streets, overtook our beloved Red Telephone Boxes. Yet who cares now? There are quite a number around London. In my view paying lip service to tradition. But pretty nevertheless (?) Well I like them. Especially the friendly bunch leaning on one another in Kingston-upon-Thames whose only use is artistic.  But who could have imagined that the over confident,  'we are the future' representations on our streets would become virtually obsolete overnight?  How many people use them ? Does anybody use them? Does anybody see anybody using them? And how long before some now unknown technology, which may be already skipping across the skein of time towards us, brings about the end of the era of mobile phones ???  I might just start counting the users of street phones. Please let me know your results.No duplicates allowed. I am sure this is a worthwhile project.

Thursday 3 November 2011

More cold weather predicted-----in Winter ??

I almost feel like apologising for what might seem to be my preoccupation with weather predictions, but I think that this is becoming an ongoing comedy. Once again the Daily Express (2/11/11) predicted minus 20C to hit Britain within a few weeks.
James Madden, of Exacta Weather said, “I expect the most frequent and heavy snowfalls to occur across many parts of the UK during November, December, and January".
Jonathan Powell of Positive Weather Solutions stated  "By the look of things there will be sporadic episodes of wintry weather. December and January could be problematic this year"
This is so unexpected !! Cold weather and snow from November to January ? I can't believe it ! And where are the predicted Siberian temperatures to be?  James Madden continues.....  "There could also be frequent and significant snow across northern regions and Scotland throughout this winter".  How pathetic has this country become !! The trouble with these people is that they forget that those who have lived a considerable time are not surprised. We actually experienced cold weather across many years and dealt with it.  It has happened before ! Especially in winter! The alarming thing is that there seems to be a virtual army of paid 'experts' who are stating the "bleedin' obvious" or rather, the bleedin' obvious likelihood.
The Local Government Association has assured us that this year authorities has stockpiled salt to make sure roads will be cleared. Remember last year... er... and the year before ? They did not have enough salt. We will see. They will get their salaries regardless.
The Government has also put together new levels of alerts so people, especially the aged can cope with the cold. This is the Government's Cold Weather Plan. Levels of alerts ?  Well, these people have to justify their employment by being patronising and disrespectful in my view, to those who have lived through many cold winters.  What they need is more money in their pensions so that they do not have to worry about spending it on fuel !
I don't know why... but Britain, or rather the British media, when responding to weather conditions which are common, particularly in central and eastern Europe, relish the use of phrases such as 'crippling transport',  'cities grind to a halt', 'blizzards devastate transport'  All they succeed in doing is demonstrating how ill equipped this so called advanced country is, when it comes down to day to day management. Till the next headlines...........

Sunday 30 October 2011

OWS ....Something to think about and discuss

I have met David Icke a couple of times and also attended one of his talks.  He was originally derided by the press for his views. You can read all about his journey on his website Of course you don't have to believe all he says. But there is plenty to which you can open up your mind, discuss and also research and confirm, especially at what now appears to be the opportunity to change the world. I would say that for many people a section of his ideas are pure science fiction,( or maybe calculated for that end). Here is the link. 32 minutes approx.

Wednesday 26 October 2011


OWS!!!  Occupy Wall Street ! The smug, righteous attitude of the 'democratic west' is now exposed to be no more than a facade! When the Arab Spring began early in 2011, it was hailed by the USA and Britain, among others, to be the unlocking of freedom among the Arab nations who are, and who have been oppressed for far too long. They would now be able to dictate their own national destiny. Their so called new found freedom was to be celebrated!! But behind the scenes the machine is already in motion to succour these pawns into financial submission. Bribe the leaders to be part of the greedy and power hungry capitalist dictatorship and there is the opportunity for the Wall Street Megalomaniacs to use their countries' wealth, to spread the slime of their greed into more of the world. Moreover to control our lives.
But who would have expected to see the financial gun of the USA turned against itself ? And how has the US responded ? By subjecting peaceful protesters to violence. Tear gas, rubber bullets, and batons used against the unarmed,including people who have served their country in the furtherance of so called freedom, and the disabled. Are these times the death throes of a disgustingly corrupt system? There is talk of cold weather stifling the protests, but we all know that a rolled snowball gets bigger. Is this the beginning of the end of the tyrants?

Tuesday 25 October 2011

No Humble Pie Yet ?

Okay, here is another weather based piece. Do you remember the The Daily Express, by way of Positive Weather Solutions, predicting the  'hottest summer ever' in 2011?  The first article was printed on 14/5/11. The follow up was printed on 21/5/11, which backed up the likelihood, nay certainty (? hehe) of stifling temperatures across Britain. Is the mention of the Met Office's prediction of a 'barbecue summer' of 2010 relevant ? Remember that?  Well that did not happen, are you surprised ?  Recently Exacta, another weather based company via the Mail, predicted colder weather than usual in 'some parts of the uk', during October, with moderate to heavy snow predicted.  The Daily Express headlined that temperatures were predicted to go down to -20C. by the third week of October. The south east was likely to experience colder, frosty nights. Temperatures are predicted to be below average from November to January. Below average for those months or for the whole year ? Well that really is science in action isn't it ? That is where averages come from...fluctuations. Plus I was astounded to read that the worst of the cold weather was likely to affect Scotland and the North. I am aghast !!! Has that happened before? Er...probably 99% of the time (although I have not checked that one).
Although records of weather patterns have been measured since the seventeenth century, it is only since 1914 that official records have been kept. That meteorologists can make sweeping statements about unprecedented snowfall, below average temperatures or whatever, is arrogance borne from disregard of times past.
Despite the cold weather predicted in the south east for October, I am writing this on the 25th of the month. It has been, up to now a pleasant, mild month. There is another prediction by WSI (Weather Services International) , that a colder winter will be experienced by western Europe, but not as cold as the last two winters. We shall see.
Oh and by the way, from the Met Office's Website:-
"The term 'climate change' refers to a change in the average state of our climate and/or the variability of its properties. While there are noticeable highs and lows in year to year data, over longer periods of time there is a discernable warming trend across the globe. Natural causes can explain only a small part of this warming. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that this is due to rising concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by human activities."

The above paragraph states "natural causes can explain only a small part of this warming". Natural causes such as the enormous star which we call the Sun? The Sun is infinitely more powerful than the industry that humankind can produce. Its energy is phenomenal. Global Warming is a political concept not a scientific one. One that raises taxes !!!! How much respect can scientists expect when weather records have been kept only since 1914. Oh yes, and despite the certainty of Global Warming, scientists are stating that it does not mean everywhere on earth is warming. Some places are cooling ! What is the betting that there is a considerable anount of  picking and choosing locations which seem to be warming? They can be publicised as proof that Global Warming is a fact, and man made. 'Pull the other one', as we say !!!!
They obviously have a great understanding of Planet Earth ? I don't think so ! But a very good understanding of how people can be duped into what is tantamount to a new religion.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Grumpy about this

My first post was concerned with the Age of Discontent. Here is an example of what is so irritating about business in current times. Once again, not a major occurrence, but nevertheless representative of daily inefficiency. I took out a buy to let mortgage over a year ago. The agreement stated that the payment would increase after nine months. Then it was increased again without any notification sent to me ! I am now paying an extra £100 per month.
At the beginning I was obliged to provide a mailing address because I was not resident at the mortgaged property. I gave the address of my mother. Shortly afterwards my mother went into hospital. She died some months later.  I contacted the mortgage company informing them of her death and requested them to amend my contact details. I was assured that the new details I provided were the only ones they then held. Recently I requested a statement of what I had paid. I waited ten days, I received nothing. I telephoned again. I was told the statement had benn sent but to my mother's address. It seems they are keen to take our money but still fall very short of providing a service. The company is Mortgage Works, in case you want to make a note.

Friday 7 October 2011

Celsius to Fahrenheit, Why ?

Well, not the most important topic of our world. Nevertheless I find it mildly irritating that many UK weather forecasters or radio announcers very often convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. As I recall, the BBC began to convert temperatures on their nightly weather map as far back as 1964. The aim being to phase out Fahrenheit. Yet now in 2011 we are still being told what a temperature is in both scales. Even on a recent plane journey I made, the pilot of a British airline when announcing weather conditions in the UK, converted Celsius to Fahrenheit. This was on a european flight between two countries which both use Celsius. One of them being Britain I admit, but how long does it take to just forget Fahrenheit.? As far as I am aware the United States and Belize are the only countries that use it. The other point is that in the UK, if is is hot,  then the media refer to temperatures in Fahrenheit. Well it seems hotter doesn't it ?100 degrees sounds much more than 38 degrees. However below freezing is spoken in Celsius. Just sort it out please. Stop living in the past and confusing the issue by using two scales when hot or cold !

Thursday 15 September 2011

AAAGGGhh A night out !!!

Well, this really is a toughie. How shocking !!! How appalled are you ???  The England Rugby players, yes Rugby players have had a 'night out'. The Sun stated that Mike Tindall has allegedly behaved inappropriately on a night out after their game against Argentina in New Zealand, reputedly pushing his head in between a woman's breasts during a dwarf throwing evening in New Zealand. In other words they have behaved like men..male Rugby players. What a pathetic story !! In short this is Rugby ! This kind of behaviour has happened since the time immemorial of the sport, obviously with more variation since its beginning, as a result of international competition.  Rugby songs have always been well known as raunchy. Mooning and participation in various other entertainments has now moved on to where other possibilities exist, but Rugby still commands more respect than football because of the discipline and professionalism within the game. I see this as another attempt to strait jacket the culture of England/ Britain and to take the humour from our country. If you suppress traditional behaviour in Rugby, then you will destroy the inherent morale of the game and the likelihood of success.  But then the Sun is more concerned with putting its head between the cheeks of Rupert Murdoch..

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Health and Safety Madness

I just have to comment on the recent crop of crazy rules, which local authorities and other responsible bodies have imposed on people, to prevent participants from enjoying themselves.
Butlin's at Bognor Regis, Skegness,and Minehead have banned Dodgem cars from banging into one another.
The East Riding Authority have banned kite flying in Bridlington because a kite might hit someone.
Then at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 'Murray Mound' was closed on wet days, in case somebody slipped.
On the day of the Royal Wedding, street parties with bunting that hung too low to let fire engines through were not allowed to go ahead.
The Royal British Legion can't use pins to attach poppies in case somebody pricks themself.
Children are not allowed to play on Monkey Bars in Oxfordshire because they might slip and graze themselves.
Drivers of floats in fancy dress processions are forbidden because of concern that they might work too many hours.
In Colchester council workers were forbidden to carry an old lady's tv away in case they hurt themselves.
Sack races at school events banned in case the children fell and twisted their ankle.
And lastly in Merseyside, leather footballs have been banned at school because one might hit a pupil in the face....only sponge footballs now allowed.
I remember when this country had resilient values. There are soldiers risking their lives fighting for these pathetic people in this country, who aren't capable of risk assessment with a view to children having fun, but hide behind their wimpish banner of Health and Safety.
At least this Health and Safety Madness is now being addressed. Chris Grayling is trying to bring common sense to this whole issue. Not before time !!!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Is this the revolution ? The beginning of ?? Unlikely !!!

But the violence on England's streets is alarming! Or is it simply something that has been waiting to be unleashed after years and years of condecension and platitudes from politicians and the 'I'm allright Jacks', who now have to face the fact that there has been such an undercurrent of resentment festering like an unburst boil,or appendix, or any of those other nasty things that exude ..... that it is now snarling and gnashing like the mad Pitbull set free? That now they might have to begin to stop their patronising, and actually improve the the perceived hopelessness that many of the rioters feel. Well it works both ways doesn't it?. You can't live in a maelstrom of 'you owe me my living', if those who are saying this, by throwing whatever they can find at the Police and looting and burning, have not made much, if any effort to achieve, to get out of the life that they find so disgusting. In my experience there has been a pride displayed in the attitude of 'we are what we are' and it is all your fault.
It seems clear that the IQ of at least some of the rioters is lower than the Pitbull that might have taken them for a walk,but they have no concept of working to achieve, and the owners are on the same level. Can I say "but seriously folks ?" It will not get any better until there is hope given to everyone. What do you think ?

Monday 8 August 2011

Global Warming ?????????? Climate Change hehehehe

Well why not start the new week with one of my favourite bone gnawing subjects, Global Warming, as it was known, until those who are protaganists of this myth realised that we were not convinced anymore, so they changed it to Climate Change.
So there I go walking through the streets of London, when I am approached by someone who asks  "Do you believe Climate Change is happening ?" Well how can one answer in the negative to that ??? Climate change began on the day the Earth was born. Probably the day before that ! The nature of the Earth is change. However her expression conveys more. As she shuffles her collection box closer to my hand,she askes me in such a way to suggest that I am guilty, I am responsible for this impending disaster, which humankind,by its very existence has caused. I am the sinner !!! We are all sinners !!!! And by placing my loose change into her little box, somehow that will absolve me of the guilt I should be feeling. Does this sound familiar?
The phenomenal impact of the ongoing Industrial/Technological Revolution,which began in the eighteenth century cannot be denied. However it is for some reason held aloft as a pariah which has set the earth into downward spiral of global warming, so hot that it might become a veritable Hell !
So if this industrialisation and a vastly increased world population has created a heating of the earth during the past hundred years or so, what caused the Medieval Warm Period from around 900 AD until a sudden cooling around 1300 AD, when there was no industry and a very small world population ? Before that warm period, there was a cold period and during Roman times in England it was warm enough to grow vines in the far north. Sounds like a natural cycle to me, what about you ?
It came to my notice that a great part of all the 'green taxes' we have paid throughout these past years, in other words several hundred billion £££££s, has not been spent on anything green. So why are we paying them ?? Climate change can't be that important then can it ?   What about you? What do you think?

Saturday 6 August 2011

The Age of Discontent


There comes a time in the lives of most people when the weight of life experience affects your day to day thinking. Complaints about this and that may become more frequent as we age, until we are seen to have metamorphosed from the younger, hopeful,effervescent person we once were, and have become 'grumpy'. I prefer to use the term 'perceptive people who have much life experience, have realistic views about change and modern attitudes and who can advise us on the futility of change for change's sake', but it does not roll off the tongue like the word 'Grumpy'.
The age of the grumpy old man or grumpy old woman is upon us. We seem to only see the negative in everything as we try to come to terms with new innovation, new ways of saying the same things so that they don't sound like what it being discussed and new terminology for the new technology that has been thrust into our lives.
This blog has been a long time coming. I intend to post on here the subjects and attitudes that irritate me. Such as:- Political Correctness (with examples) that is always worth a shy at (verbal coconut
shy) ; Destroying the identity of Britain. I think immigration into this country has made a great country even greater, but the wimps in certain positions would sacrifice our identity and customs to please those who really should be adapting, just as we adapt to change. For instance,where would we be without Curries and Poppadoms and all the other fabulous cuisine that has reached our shores during the last two hundred years ? However I also believe that the identity of the UK is not what it appears to be. The veneer of political rhetoric which musters patriotism, when deemed necessary that is, as far as I am concerned only motivates the masses who, by energetically repeating a popular political statement show themselves to be willing to maintain the status quo of what I perceive to be basic inequality in the UK. The masses are here to maintain the classes; fed crumbs of comfort instead of cake! Plus ca change!
Please post your moans and groans and anyone is invited to comment. But Wheots is monitored and I shall delete offensive or illegal material. You can make your point, have your say without being nasty