Monday, 14 November 2011

Post Riot Discontent

So...... the riots which took place in August in the UK in August now seem such a distant memory. We have been bombarded since then by the Eurozone crisis and the Occupy wherever movement. Many who took part have been gaoled and it is business as usual.  Those who suffered the looting, those who had their businesses burned and lost everything; those who lost their homes and almost their lives...well assured they have been seems let down by the insurance companies who have, not surprisingly been very slow to compensate these victims, if at all according to today's news. I say not surprisingly because despite this country's pride in its first world status, this status reflects the greedy capitalist attitude, ie the insurance company asks itself a basic question I think,  "How can we get out of paying" ? It seems with no social conscience whatsoever.  As I said, the status quo has been restored. But the Occupy movement is much more organised and intellectually driven. I just wonder when the financial establishment will wake up to the fact that they are derided to a great extent by a growing number of people; that these days might just be the beginning of the end of the old fat cat/ cow attitude. That to display wealth openly might just become the spark for more social unrest and riots, but this time with specific targets and led by a more determined organisation. Those who openly flaunted their wealth in Greece have been targeted. Not well reported but it has happened.  Of course to keep order there will be police on the streets in riot gear to prevent what could escalate into anarchy. Determined people though will not merely be on the streets but will operate in a much more subversive manner,potentially much more dangerous.  And how do you identify the criminality? By those who march and occupy the streets disrupting life in their fight against what they see as major social injustice ? Or by pointing the finger at those who have creamed off and wasted billions of $$$$ ££££ €€€€ and expect everyone else to pay? Moreover to maintain their system ad infinitum?

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