Saturday, 10 March 2012

Energy and resources and a new religion ?

This is a subject that has thundered its way to the forefront of daily thought. It makes sense to conserve energy of course. Or does it ? Earth has infinite sources of potential energy with her oceans, winds, rivers etc.doesn't it ? The Sun sends it every day. The Moon reflects it to us every night. And what about the inner core of our planet ? Now that is something that is not mentioned very often. The Sun has phenomenal energy. As I write, I believe that the Earth is being bombarded by Solar Storms. If only we could harness the tremendous power that is arriving free on our doorsteps. Of course by the time it would be harnessed, what has been provided freely by the cosmos would need to be paid for by we who use it, by way of those who channel it to us, ie the power companies plus the inevitable taxes. But money makes the world go round, with a great deal of stalling via governments, wars and bankers before it benefits the people.
The basic need of humanity is energy. Our human bodies are designed to produce energy by breathing. We also need fuel. This of course comes in the form of food which we digest to sustain us, incidentally on a planet which we inhabit, with no idea as to why we are here.
Apart from our physiological processes, we need to use other forms of energy to produce our food.
Since the days of the assumed low population of the planet many thousands of years ago, to these days of six billion or so on Earth  (and counting), more and more resources have become necessary to maintain humanity's hold and to follow our destiny. Funnily enough we don't know what that is either ! So organisations such as the various religions offer the explanation of the afterlife in paradise. Do we really believe these people ?? But surely it does makes sense to make every effort to keep going, just in case there is a paradise in the next world or a paradise here on Earth awaiting, maybe just after the next beneficial invention......ohhh ok... the one after that or errrr mmmm ??? Do we still believe this ?? Oh and by the way has anyone defined paradise yet ?
I might appear to be digressing, but the two subjects of energy and religion seem to me now to be connected.  As I say, since time immemorial humankind has needed to understand the reason for our being.  Indeed in these global awareness times that eternal question has still not been answered convincingly and we are still waiting and pondering. Religion seems to me to have become somewhat stale. I am not criticising peaceful ways of life via the world religions. But for years now since the first mention of greenhouse gases, the snowball has grown for a global thought gathering to accompany the Globalisation. To regain the ground lost through apathy for religious causes.
So !!! With a resouding drum roll !!! Enter Global Warming/ Climate Change/Energy Conservation and Renewal Taa Daaaaaaaa !!!!! The whole planet is now subject to this new belief and this religion is run by the State. I would like to know where the idea came from that we are actually running out of energy; that the Earth as we know it will cease to be because of climate change. The climate has always changed as has the Earth. Records have only been kept for a very short time when compared to the life of the Earth, unless you are a creationist that is, so I contest the scientific claims, as of course do many scientists.  Maybe oil has a doubtful future but as I said earlier there is infinite energy available. So the new regime of energy control comes into existence, with the usual weapon used ...guilt. The tool of religion from day one ! We are bombarded daily by this through the governments, local authorities and the national and local media. Being made to feel guilty if we do not recycle. Guilty if we drive our cars. Guilty if we travel by air too often. And there is a veritable army of inspectors ready to fine homeowners if they do not follow council rules. What a rubbish attitude !! This new religion is insidiously working its way into our lives, our minds and with its perceived momentum, into our consciousness and sub consciousness. It only takes a couple of generations to achieve this. Do we really have to endure another tyranny ?
Let us not poison our planet. Let us develop clean energy, but let us also remember that Carbon Dioxide is not a poison.  It is highly likely that the earth will become more fertile if Co2 emissions are left unchecked because of the extra moisture held in the atmosphere. And it just maybe that Co2 increase is in fact a part of our meaning of life, part of our destiny. Who knows ?

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